Welcome Suvro Khan, SVP Customer Success

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Titan Cloud Senior VP Customer Success Suvro Khan

We’re thrilled to welcome Suvro Khan as Titan Cloud’s Senior Vice President of Customer Success. After more than fifteen years in the software and technology space, Suvro has seen firsthand the importance, and the evolution, of customer success strategies. We sat down to get his take on how this key role will add to Titan Cloud’s client-centric approach. 

You’ve worked in the tech sector of several industries. What do you see as the common thread in terms of supporting customer success? 

Customer success for software companies in any industry revolves around understanding the customer’s goals and needs. But those who do it successfully have one thing in common, which is taking a proactive rather than a reactive approach to that. They avoid the pitfall of landing in constant problem-solving mode for customers who aren’t getting what they need out of the solution.  

Instead, strong customer success teams act as trusted advisers. We’re technologists whose job is getting to know their business well enough to understand their goals and challenges. To do that, we must invest time with customers to understand their daily operations, get to know the different stakeholders involved, and then map out the two or three best ways to get where they want to be. It means fostering real relationships, prioritizing proactive communication, and providing exceptional service tailored to the customers’ needs throughout the entire process. 

I consider customer success to be an internal role as well. Within our own organization, we need to act as an advocate for the customer, organizing what we’ve heard and learned, then figuring out how to convert that into actionable responses. It may even stretch beyond the product or engineering to something financial; we may look at how and when we bill for services, for example. It all matters.  

You’ve been focused on client success roles for most of your career. How have you seen the role evolve over that time? 

The role of customer success in the software industry has evolved significantly. Businesses understand now more than ever that in optimizing technology, there’s a tremendous opportunity to become more operationally efficient. At the same time, digital solutions can be complex; by proactively engaging with customers, we ensure that they can unlock the max value of the technology through product education, customer advocacy initiatives and an overall push towards servicing cross functional teams. 

There is also more of an emphasis on establishing an proactive cadence with the customer organization so we can also evolve as they evolve. In the energy, oil and gas industries, scaling operations is critical to business strategy—and can happen quickly. I was recently talking with a Titan Cloud customer who told us they’re going to be adding close to 150 stores in another state, which is tremendous growth for them. With that statement, we know their business is evolving. If we’re not already proactively working and adapting our solution with that customer, we’re not going to be ready to evolve along with them. Instead, we’ve already built a foundational relationship with that customer, strategizing collaboratively so we can support their expansion in real-time. We’re also simultaneously learning more about an entire customer base, enabling us to adjust how we position ourselves to future customers and evolve as a company. 

What drew you to Titan Cloud? 

Titan Cloud is focused on helping customers use technology to be more operationally efficient, which aligns with the value drivers and goals of what I view as a successful software company. I’m also tremendously passionate about building and scaling a world class customer success organization for a company going through a hyper growth phase. Titan Cloud’s recent acquisition of TRUEFILL is an example of the company’s commitment to integrating the most innovative technology available into the platform. We’re constantly moving forward to expand and provide customers with the most comprehensive, end-to-end solution possible.  

As Titan Cloud continues to broaden its global footprint, my team will also be working to ensure we’re well organized to support our clients in different time zones and deliver a consistent quality of service across regions. We’ll leverage local expertise to adapt and understand cultural norms and business practices, continuously finding ways to best serve our international customer base.  

Living in the Washington, D.C. area, what’s your favorite aspect of being part of a global team at Titan Cloud?

What I love about D.C. is the fact that it is rich in history and culture. Passing by the Whitehouse or one of the many famous memorials here never gets old. With so much around us, I enjoy hiking and biking with my wife and 8-year-old daughter. We also like to be adventurous, traveling the world.  

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